Design and Development of an Electrically Miniature Wideband Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications


  • Tapan Mandal Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Govt. College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal, India
  • Prasanta Mandal Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Govt. College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal, India



Monopole antenna, hand fan shape, IoT, UWB, wireless communication


An electrically small hand fan shaped like microstrip fed planner monopole antenna suitable for use in wireless communication systems is presented. Initially a disk shaped wideband printed antenna is designed. Then the structure is modified to a hand fan like shape. This shape generates higher impedance bandwidth (BW) as compared to the disk shaped. The detailed parametric study is carried out using MoM based IE3DTM simulator. The proposed structure is fabricated for measurement. For proof of concept, experimental results are compared with the simulated one. The measured impedance BW (|S11|<-10 dB) of the proposed antenna is 13.44 GHz in the range of 3.18 to 16.62 GHz (135.76 %). The polar radiation patterns are presented at various frequencies within the operating spectrum. Pattern characteristic is omnidirectional in the H-plane and monopole like in the E-plane. The antenna gain lies between 2.54 to 6.16 dB and it has more than 80% efficiency over the whole operating region. This antenna possesses satisfactory results and it is a potential candidate for application in many modern wireless and future 5.8G IoT systems.


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How to Cite

Tapan Mandal, & Prasanta Mandal. (2023). Design and Development of an Electrically Miniature Wideband Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications. Transactions on Electromagnetic Spectrum, 2(2), 33–42.


